You've written your novel; you've revised and revised, edited, had other people read it and hopefully they edited it and gave you constructive criticism beyond "It's great. I really liked it." You've gone through the headache of formatting for Kindle or finding someone who knows what they're doing to format it for you, and, finally, you've uploaded it to Amazon and clicked the PUBLISH button . . . and then.
How do you sell it? How does an unknown, burgeoning novelist get the word out about the product he/she has just established?
To collect and compile the ideas of writers everywhere in one place. It's a big world and when you've come this far, you may suddenly feel as though your voice is too small to be heard. The links you posted on your facebook and twitter, disappear like hamburger wrappers on a freeway in the neverending stream of memes and status updates and only your mom bothered to share it.
You feel invisible.
So, what do you do?
That's what everyone who comes across this blog by googling tips and tricks and "how to sell your novel" wants to know.
While I have already seen some people use sticker campaigns and blog features effectively, there are countless other ways to put your novels and stories in the field of public vision without spending a lot of money and while keeping most of it right where your product is--on the Internet.
My first suggestion involves the frontier opened to us by Amazon and the Kindle. As writers responsible for our own product packaging we are given an opportunity very few--if any--writers who work for a publishing house enjoy: to choose our own covers and book art. I have the good fortune of knowing many artists, though I cannot, through any means of self, draw a stick man without making him look physically handicapped. So, it occurred to me that an art contest would not only guarantee eye-catching covers, it would also spread the word about the book. Plus, the winner of that contest may also want their art to be seen, and purchased as much as possible. Your efforts to sell have just doubled and you've made a contribution to your circle of artists. Everybody wins.
What are prizes for runners-up? Whatever you choose. Probably Amazon giftcards.
More ideas later.
If you have ideas to share, please post them in the comments section. Join the fun. We have an enormous opportunity here to break wide open the wall that faces down every unknown author hoping for an audience.
Please don't post anything illegal or otherwise unsavory. We don't need trouble. We want to help writers sell their work.
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